은행에서 업무를 하다보면 외국인 손님을 만날 경우가 많은데요.
이때 필요한 업무 영어를 알아볼까요?
1) 계좌 개설
Banker: Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, my name is( say your name). How can I help you today?
Customer: I’d like to open a bank account.
Banker: I can help you with this.
Banker: Can I please see your ID? We will need to see your ID in order to fill out certain documents to open a bank account.
(Please note once you have the customers ID you will know their surname and should start addressing them in the respectful manner mentioned at the beginning of this blog.)
Banker: Thank you, Ms. Edwards for showing me your ID. Ms. Edwards could you please fill out the highlighted blanks on this document. (폼엔 정보가 필요한 부분만 하이라이트해서 전달하기)
When the customer has opened a bank account and is leaving. The following can be said.
Banker: Thank you, Ms Edwards for choosing (insert bank name) bank. Have a wonderful day!
2) 적금 개설 (적금 상품 설명)
Banker: Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, my name is( say your name). How can I help you today?
Customer: I’d like to open an installment bank account.
Banker: I can help you with this. Please follow me to my office.
Banker: These are the different options the bank offers:
This is a 2 % interest option for 1 year.
You can deposit up to 200,000 won a month.
This will mature in 2 years.
(연이율 2퍼센트, 2년 만기, 월 최대 20만원 납입 가능 상품 설명 하기. 숫자만 바꿔서 활용하세요!)
3) 예금 인출
Banker: Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, my name is( say your name). How can I help you today?
Customer: I’d like to withdraw 100,000 won.
Banker: I can help you with this. Could you please show me your bank book?
*고객이 통장이 없을 때,
Customer: I’m sorry, I don’t have my bank book.
Banker: That is quite alright. The bank has an ATM that you can use if you have your bank debit card. Let me show you where the ATM is.
Banker: Please insert your bank debit card into the ATM machine and enter your PIN number. Now you can enter the amount you would like to withdraw.
*고객이 통장이 있을 때, ID 요구하고, 서류 작성해야 하니까 통장 개설과 비슷한 표현 활용
Banker: Can I please see your ID? We will need to see your ID in order to fill out certain documents to withdraw.
(Please note once you have the customers ID you will know their surname and should start addressing them in the respectful manner mentioned at the beginning of this blog.)
Banker: Thank you, Ms. Edwards for showing me your ID. Ms. Edwards could you please fill out the highlighted blanks on this document. (폼엔 정보가 필요한 부분만 하이라이트해서 전달하기)
4) 체크 카드 만들기
체크 카드는 영어로 debit card는 입니다. 카드 혜택은 영어로된 팜플렛을 미리 준비해서 활용하세요.
Banker: Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, my name is( say your name). How can I help you today?
Customer: I’d like to get a debit card
Banker: I can help you with this.
Banker: This is our most popular debit card
Banker: This debit card does have a commission fee.
Banker: It costs 1000 won per card.
Customer: What are the benefits of having this debit card?
Banker: With this debit card if you spend more than 300,000won in a month you can receive some benefits. The benefits are outlined in this pamphlet. (한달에 30만원 이상 쓰시면 혜택 받으실 수 있으며, 혜택은 팜플렛에 설명되어 있어요!)
Banker: Since this is a debit card it has fewer benefits than a credit card. (체크카드는 신용카드보단 혜택이 적습니다.)
5) 대리 업무 불가
금융 실명법상 대리업무가 불가함을 설명하고자 할 때,
금융실명법상 대리업무는 원칙적으로 안 되고, 본인이 직접 창구에 방문해야 합니다. (의역)
Banker: The law states that an agent cannot process this type of transaction. The principal must come directly to the bank window to process this transaction.
대리로 처리하려면 위임에 관련한 서류(위임장)를 갖추셔야 합니다. (의역)
Banker: In order for an agent to process this type of transaction, the agent must obtain a power of attorney and submit the power of attorney to the bank.
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