원어민이 아닌 독일어 계통을 쓰시는 분의 제2 외국어로써 영어를 구사하는 인터뷰를 준비했습니다.
코파데이타라라는 자동화설비용 소프트웨어 회사에 다니시는 분이신데요.
왜 한국 시장 진출을 하게 되었는지, 그동안 성과는 어떤지, 어떻게 한국 시장을 공략하고 있는지를 자세히 말해주시고 있네요.
대체로 정확하게 말하시나, 모두 문법적으로 올바른 것은 아닌 것 같습다만, 모두 잘 이해가 되지요?
역시 비지니스 영어에서도 커뮤니케이션이 정확히 되고, 유창하게 말하는 것이 중요한 것 같습니다.
*영상 및 스크립트 번역 기사
Copa data is technologically leader for ergonomic and highly dynamic process solution.
We developed the software ZENO for HMI/SCADA, dynamic production reporting, integrated PLC system.
All over the world, we have almost 135,000 install systems in various industries.
We entered the Korea market back in 2013. Approximately 5 years ago. when we entered the market, we started the manufacturing area so especially in the semiconductor industry. but very soon we also switched over to the energy and infrastructure market. because we have our own product for this market.
and it fitted very well to also new developments in Korea market so to the change to renewable energy project.
(fitted well 이후로 문장이 망가짐...다시 들어야 할듯 to change into renewable energy project 로 바꾸면 말은 됨.
제대로 못듣는 것일 수 있기에, 다시 수정할 예정)
When we decided to the Asia country we decided the Korean market because it's a very high-end technological market.
This is growing and growing for us. we are very happy with the performance. we are growing in 2 digits value over the last 5 years. we hope to continue that growth for Korea becoming a very important market.
market survey, translate, localize, market study.
Then we decided very strictly 'okay.. we focused on this industry. we focused on this customer.'
We approached really only this one with a very high focus.
I think this was one reason why we became successful so quickly.
That's we only focused on a certain area, but we pushed very hard in this area.
We didn't try to do everything at once.
'영어 꿀팁 ' 카테고리의 다른 글
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